A large oversized multicolored lizard stands before great rocks staring up and away. A tiger in the foreground looking at a white cat with a brown spot. Two children face away from the viewer, one with a pink shirt and one with a blue backpack on. A large mountain of rock looms in the background. In white boxes with black text it says "The Forgotten Door The Hall of Doors Book 6 Janice Clark"

Twelve-year-old Sammy has made peace with her long-absent dad, and acquired a new sister in the process: a sheltered, timid eight-year-old. Things get interesting when she takes her sister along on a trip to the fairy worlds, and everything goes wrong. Can Sammy help Casey to overcome her fears? Will they even find their way home again? And if they do make it back, will the bad guys follow?

Click here to purchase on Amazon. Also available on Kindle.